沖縄で撮影してきたEOS 5D MarkIIの動画をVEGAS MOVIE STUDIO PE9で編集していて少し困ったことが起きました。クリップの数が少ないうちは動作するのですが、大量のクリップを読み込ませるとエラーが起きてVEGASが落ちてしまいます。VEGASのせいなのか、EOS 5D MarkIIが吐き出すファイルのせいなのか、いまいち追及しきれていませんが、「例外エラー」を表示して落ちてしまいます。OSの問題もあるのかもしれませんが、早急に解決したいところ。






「VEGAS MOVIE STUDIOとEOS 5Dの動画」への2件のフィードバック

  1. 同じ問題に遭遇しました。サポートに問い合わせたら以下のような英文の回答が帰ってきました。



    Program hangs while rendering or during editing

    From time to time, my program “hangs” when attempting to render or even just during the editing process. Do you have some tips or ideas that can help resolve these kinds of problems?

    Please take a look at these suggestions. It is likely that one or more are applicable to your problem.

    1. If you have a lot of high-resolution still images in your timeline that may cause this to happen. If the project is slowing down during render of images a situation like this may occur.

    2. Try replacing or recapturing the media in your project. If it always hangs up at the same time, try deleting the files at that point in your Vegas timeline and then replace those with recaptured clips.

    3. If you are saving a file that is larger than 4 GB, this article has information that would be helpful.

    4. Purge unused media to help free up resources. You can purge unused media from your Vegas Project in the Project Media Window. To do this go to the tab in the Vegas window that says Project Media. In the top left corner of this window, you will see a button that looks like a lightning bolt. Clicking on that will remove any unused media from your project and help to free up system resources.

    5. Try breaking your project into pieces by saving the project as a number of sections. For example if your timeline is 30 minutes long, save three ten minute sections into three Vegas files using File > Save As. In each different project delete the other parts. After you have broken up your project, use the instructions in step 4 to remove unused media. Edit each section separately, render and re-import into a new project to stitch them together into a final audio and video stream.

    6. Make sure there is sufficient space on all hard-drives that are being used by Vegas. You may also want to spend time defragmenting and checking your discs for errors.

    7. If your editing HDV, converting the MPG or AVCHD files to an intermediate format will streamline the editing process and allow you to preview your project. To learn more about rendering to Intermediate format, please go to Help > Contents and Index and look for the topic “Creating Intermediate Files for HDV Editing ”

    8. Freeing up system resources as possible also helps. Here’s some information on disabling background processes:

    Go to the Start > Run, then type MSCONFIG and press Enter or OK. In Windows Vista, there is a field at the bottom of the Start menu that allows you to type MSCONFIG.

    Open the Startup tab, press the “Disable All” button and then Apply. Then go into the Services Tab, check the box next to “Hide All Microsoft Services” at the bottom of the window and choose “Disable All”. Then press Apply and OK and reboot the computer.

    ** Note: This measure is for testing purposes. If you are disabling these services, none of these services are critical for your computer to start or function. We recommend this troubleshooting step to remove as many variables from the problem as possible. With these steps you may end up disabling desired services like anti-virus or portable device recognition services like iPod Service, etc. If this solves your issue, you may want to repeat the steps above to open the MSCONFIG dialog so that you can re-enable most of these services. You may want to spend some time re-enabling these one at a time until you find the culprit. In most cases only one or two services are causing the conflict.

    9. If you’re working in an environment where files are scattered across a network, you can try the following options. Use File > Save As … and check the option for Copy and Trim Media with Project. This will make a copy of all files being referenced in the project and store everything in a single folder along with the project file. When that finishes and with the version that you just saved open, use the Render As feature to render your project. This will help to rule out variables of accessing files over a network.

  2. コメントありがとうございます。



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